Building E-COMMERCE system
E-commerce Store
We create all feature for ready to sale order management, product detail, shipping function, etc.
discount, shopping cart, payment, credit card payment
With professional design
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Not only e-commerce website we will manage including infrastructure E-commerce to serv you system more stable with best practise of Server on Cloud system of We design to match with your E-commerce System
We design base on your requirement to meet your business flow and operation
We design base on your requirement to meet your business flow and operation
Normally E-commerce need to optimize Source code and tune up Server to have better performance and faster
to avoid Downtime which we have engineer to handle both Programe & Server mean we can manage all as once

We have already bundle Monitoring System which it will monitor Programe, Service, Network, Database and notify to you when somthing wrong Automatic monitor 24/7
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